EV (Electric Vehicle) Charging Station Installation Service
Let Our Team Manage All Your EV Charging Needs
- Level 1 Chargers
- Level 2 Chargers
- Level 3 Chargers

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(800) 373-7005
Call us today if you have any needs to install the charge for your new electric car. Our professionally licensed electricians are always here to help you with any of your needs.
Areas We Serve:
Demand for electric vehicles (EV) is on the rise around the world, and Pennsylvania is no exception. With improved technology, wider availability, and more widely available EV charging stations along the way, consumers and businesses that manage business fleets are bringing more electric vehicles into service every day. And with those electric vehicles, the demand for home electric car chargers and business electric car charging stations are increasing as well.
Home Charging Solutions: Level 1 & Level 2 & Industrial Level 3
• Level 1
Charging happens when you charge an electric vehicle (EV) using the charger included with the car. These chargers can be plugged in with one end into any standard 120V outlet, with the other end being plugged directly into the car. It can charge 124 miles in 20 hours.
• Level 2
Chargers are sold separately from the car, although chargers are often purchased at the same time. These chargers require a slightly more complicated setup, as they are plugged into a 240V outlet which allows charging 3 to 7 times faster depending on the electric car and the charger. All these chargers have an SAE J1772 connector and are available for online purchase in the USA. They usually must be installed by a certified electrician.
• Level 3
These are for industrial and commercial locations and draw a large amount of electricity, so they need special installation. Public car chargers are typically level 3 chargers. They can add about 160 miles to a vehicle’s battery in just 30 minutes. If you have a business that manages a fleet of electric vehicles, contact The Wire Doctors Electrical Services to have these installed safely and correctly.

Frequent Questions
Can I install an Electric Car Charger or EVSE Myself?
Never try to install an EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) by yourself. As with any other electrical work you need to have done at your home or office, you should always rely on your licensed electrician to do the work properly, safely, and up to the current code.
Will my electric bill go up?
Yes. But the difference can be completely absorbed by the savings in gas, the many rebates, and discounts available from utility companies, or by charging your car during time frames when the kW/h is lowest.
What types of electric vehicle charging stations are there?
There are three basic types of electric vehicle charging stations, which are often referred to as “electric vehicle service equipment” or EVSE. They range from basic and simple to more complex than you would ever contemplate installing in your home garage.
Does the electric vehicle charging station need maintenance?
Not really. If installed properly, or built modularly, pieces can be easily replaced. EV charging stations that have online connectivity can also provide remote diagnostics and repair, so you do not have to worry in the rare event of a charger malfunction.